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Upcoming Workshop

2 Day Workshop
December 5 & 12, 2024 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Pocosin Online

Innovative screening and decal methods for incorporating decorative patterns into enamel work.

Recent Work

I spent the first eight years of my life in Japan, a land whose culture is rich with golden objects, pearls and shells from the sea, finely lacquered boxes, and woven brocade fabrics. Those early images provided lasting influences.


My work is an exploration of textures and shapes, enamel and metal finishes, shiny and dull surfaces, solid and see-through forms. By placing opposites next to one another, an energy and tension develops. There is a tactile quality to the elements that invites the viewer to respond, to touch, to fondle.

 © 2024 by Jan A Harrell

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